Lapimaa – Lapland 1.12. – 4.12.

Lazyness, oh lazyness…(no German version this time). Whatever. It’s 11:45, let’s say I am awake. What happened within the last weeks? It has been some really nice weeks, but some stuff is hard to remember and will maybe never come back to my mind. Why? Just continue reading. EDIT: seems like I remember a lot about Lapland,but most of my memories of the south Estonia party are missing (next article – maybe it’s short 😉 )

I will start with my trip to Lapland. I was already a bit sad before the trip, because as you may have heard already – there IS no snow in Estonia and there was no snow in Lapland (it is snowing now, but as I am living in the tropic country of Estonia, it won’t stay). We went by bus/ferry from Tallinn to Kuusamo. But first we went to Rovaniemi, the Santa Clause village (boooooring and cheesy) and crossed the arctic circle (yaaaaaaaay). On our way we could see the beautiful landscape of Finland and Lapland – too bad it wasn’t covered in snow! After a 14 hours busride we arrived in Kuusamo, a nice little village. And guess what? It started to snow in the afternoon (even if it was not much, but at least everything was white)!

I don’t really remember the program of the first day besides eating (after the food we hat some information about shamanism + becoming city members of Kuusamo + drinking reindeer blood – whaaaaaat? It tasted like tea, but they said it was blood. Ok, whatever), sauna (brrrrrr – they shut it down because they thought we wouldn’t go – 65°C…) and there must have been some drinking, as I was completely wasted and unable to open my eyes in the morning..

Second day – getting up in the middle of the night to have breakfast and start the tour-program. As I said: there may have been some drinking. Getting up and having breakfast was more than just torture, but I did it. I decided not to go to the first stop, the museum and wanted to go to my bed – no chance, I would miss the whole trip! I had to get in the bus, started sleeping and continued sleeping when everyone was in the museum, just Luca didn’t seem too fit as well.

Now shortly (I’m getting tired again!): Next on program – Husky sledge ride – not for me… 28€ for 2km? No way! But it looked kinda funny. Whatever. Then reindeer farm. Nice place, some food, some tea, some coffee, reindeer sledge ride (for free),etc.

Later we got a christmas dinner at the Kuusamo Opisto – place of living. Alot of food, really nice dinner. In the evening we went to the Spa in Kuusamo, Sauna, sliding and back home. drinking – somehow I wasn’t really in the mood. Ah and yes: no polar lights – the reason why I went there. Too bad. Have to go again.

Next day: 14 hours busride back! How wonderful!
Conclusion of the trip: I really enjoyed being there. The program wasn’t really interesting for me, but in the end it was fun. I loved to see the nature of Lapland with its beautiful lakes, forests and reindeers on the streets, that don’t care if there is a bus coming with about 100km/h. The problem is that I nearly saw the nature only through the window of the bus, that’s why there are nearly no pictures. But I really enjoyed it and will definitely go back!

Now some pictures, next part follows in the next days and is about the south Estonia trip – hell of a party!!!

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